
mens rea

Mens Rea

Mens Rea refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is “guilty mind.” The plural of mens rea is ‘mantes rea’. A ‘mens rea’ refers to the state of mind statutorily required in order to convict a particular defendant of a particular crime. Establishing the mens rea of an offender is usually necessary to prove guilt in a criminal trial. The prosecution typically must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the offense with a culpable state of mind.

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Obtaining an order for bail in a POCSO case from Delhi High Court during lockdown

The COVID-19 lockdown has posed many challenges before the Judiciary one of them being upholding the fundamental rights of an individual and protect their life and personal liberty during the lockdown. However the courts across the country have eventually adopted themselves to the changing times and have come forward to ensure that justice is readily available to all and fundamental rights of an individual are not compromised on any front.

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